
Who is Jesus? Did he actually exist? What does it mean when we say Jesus is the son of God? Why is Jesus the basis of the christian faith? Why should we care about Jesus now?
Why are there no Roman records of Jesus?

Why are there no Roman records of Jesus?

The silence of antiquity. The Roman empire kept extensive records, so why is Jesus’ trial and crucifixion not recorded. Why did Pontus Pilate not write about Jesus? Why didn’t Herod’s court make a record of Jesus? Often a string of ancient names (contemporaries of...

Independent sources for the life of Jesus

Independent sources for the life of Jesus

What is multiple attestation, and why is it important? Independent attestation is a useful tool used by historians for trying to determine whether certain actions or sayings by Jesus, or a historical figure, can be established as historically probable. The more...

Jesus and the Dynamic of the Gospel

Jesus and the Dynamic of the Gospel

For those who can remember as far back as the 1960’s and 70’s, there are two books that may well stand out in your memory. One is J.I. Packer’s Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God and the other, R.B. Kuiper’s God-Centred Evangelism. Both provide a theology of...

Who is Jesus? An Introduction to Christology

Surely the most important question in the world is the one that forms the title for this article: 'Who is Jesus?'. Answering that question is the task of what we call 'Christology,' a word that means 'the study of Christ' and that refers to the branch of Christian...

Two ways to live

The message at the heart of Christianity is really quite simple-simple enough to be outlined in a few pages. It is a message from the Bible about God and his son, Jesus. It is about life and death, and the choice that we all face. And it all starts with a loving...