Here is a simple outline for how you can engage in reading each day:

  • Pray that God will open you up to what his Word has to say.
  • Read the text:
    What does the text say?
    What does it mean?
    What’s grabbing your heart or attention?
    What will you keep chewing on or processing for the rest of the day?
  • Pray for your day and bring specific requests before the Lord.

This month’s Scripture readings are focused on the time of Advent!

Advent comes from the Latin word adventus meaning arrival or coming. The people of God in the Old Testament looked forward to the coming of a Savior/Messiah- that was the first Advent.
Now, we the children of God who live on this side of the Cross are waiting expectantly for Christ’s return—the Second Advent.

Traditionally, Advent counts down the four weeks leading up to Christmas. Practically, Advent reminds us to look forward to His return every day. Through this time may we also allow the Holy Spirit to reset Jesus Christ as the center of not just the Christmas season but of our lives.

Advent Week 1 (From Bondage to Freedom)

DECEMBER 1 – Isaiah 61

DECEMBER 2 – Romans 6

DECEMBER 3 – Galatians 5

Advent Week 2 (From Isolation to Family)

DECEMBER 4 – Jeremiah 31:7-14

DECEMBER 5 – Philemon 1:8-22 | FAST FORWARD

DECEMBER 6 – Ephesians 2:11-22   

DECEMBER 7 – Galatians 4:1-7

DECEMBER 8 – 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

DECEMBER 9 – Romans 15:1-13

DECEMBER 10 – Mark 5:1-20

Advent Week 3 (From Striving to Abiding)

DECEMBER 11 – Zechariah 9:9-12 

DECEMBER 12 – John 15

DECEMBER 13 – Galatians 3

DECEMBER 14 – Luke 1:5-25

DECEMBER 15 – Luke 1:26-56

DECEMBER 16 – Romans 8:1-11

DECEMBER 17 – Romans 8:12-30

Advent Week 4 (From Weariness to Rest)

DECEMBER 18 – Isaiah 40:9-31

DECEMBER 19 – Matthew 11:25-30

DECEMBER 20 – John 4:7-26

DECEMBER 21 – Psalm 103

DECEMBER 22 – Exodus 6:1-9

DECEMBER 23 – Revelation 21

DECEMBER 24 – Luke 1:26-38Matthew 1:18-25


DECEMBER 26 – Matthew 2:1-23

DECEMBER 27 – Matthew 3:1-12

DECEMBER 28 – Isaiah 43:1-7

DECEMBER 29 – Romans 5:1-11

DECEMBER 30 – Romans 8:31-39

DECEMBER 31 – 1 Thessalonians 4:13-185:1-11