How I Changed My Mind About Evolution

How I Changed My Mind About Evolution

Many evangelicals have come to accept the conclusions of science while still holding to a vigorous belief in God and the Bible. How did they make this journey? Here are the stories of 25 people who have come to embrace evolution and faith. Available now from IVP...
Why evolution is still a theory in crisis

Why evolution is still a theory in crisis

Michael Denton’s Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis (Discovery Institute Press, £16.80). A sequel to his 1985 book — Evolution: A Theory in Crisis — this takes us up to date with the dazzling developments of life sciences over the past 30 years. Denton is a sceptic...
Star Wars: Spiritual Education

Star Wars: Spiritual Education

I could feel the excitement and enthusiasm all around me as I sat in the cinema packed with young people ready to watch the new Star Wars film. From the opening scenes they were clearly gripped by the story and impressed by the cinematography, as indeed was I. But, as...
Why the Critics Are Attacking “Ben-Hur”

Why the Critics Are Attacking “Ben-Hur”

PDF The new Ben-Hur is a terrific movie. It is exciting, suspenseful, filled with clashes of spirit, interest, and personality, and offers a story of brotherly love, conflict, revenge, and redemption. Religious faith and the spirit of forgiveness are at its core,...