Why Doesn’t God Simply Forgive Everyone?

Hello Dr. Craig, My question concerns the necessity of faith for salvation. Specifically, if God is perfectly loving and Christ’s atonement for the sins of the world is sufficient for the justification of all human beings, how can it be that God requires faith...

Who made God?

Question: Who created God and who created the creator of God if God was created?This question reminds me about the question: “How tall is a Chinese person?” If I don’t know which Chinese person we are talking about I can’t say the answer.So in your case are you asking...

Am I a Seeker?

Q: Would God consider me a Seeker or someone who is just “hedging his bets”? This is a very personal question. This time last year I was as much an atheist as any. To be honest, I suppose I had a sense of arrogance in the belief that in exactly one respect, I was more...